How Long Do Hemorrhoids Last And What Do Hemorrhoids Look Like?

Piles is term used to describe a condition in which the veins along the lower section of the rectum become swollen. This condition is also sometimes called hemorrhoids. So piles and hemorrhoids are basically the same thing. Medication and surgery are sometimes used as treatments but are not always necessary. You can find relief by using a natural cure for piles.

Now, there are several piles or hemorrhoids home treatment regimens that you can follow to cure your piles. There are natural remedies that you can take at home, and there are also more serious medications that are necessary if the condition is more serious.

It is advised that you should utilize fruit diets till seven day for effective and successful treatment of root cause of piles. What it does just cures the chronic constipation by cleaning the complete system. You are also urged to eat natural food diet for better and permanent results.

Piles just happen. Lets face it. Piles happen the minute you get the mail. The minute your child brings papers home from school. The minute you want to work on a project, such as paying bills. Piles just happen.

In addition, juice of radish is also very beneficial. Add one teaspoon of clarified butter in website one glass of radish juice. Drink this juice twice daily. Having raw radish is also very helpful for piles treatment.

3) Bleeding - Blood will splash the toilet bowl when you try to have a bowel movement. The bleeding may be quite abundant at times. Try not to be alarmed if this happens to you.

If you don't want piles to interrupt your blissful pregnancy then do everything you can to prevent it. Since constipation has been proven time and again to be the main culprit, it is best that you deal with this problem first. Eat foods which are rich in fiber. These include leafy vegetables, fresh fruits and whole grains. Not only will it cure or prevent the formation of piles, but it will also work wonders on your health and your baby's, too. Moderate exercise is also recommended as this will keep your blood flowing.

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