Herbal Tea For Acid Reflux

When the flu strikes, it is not really a pretty thing. Therefore when flu season comes, a person should be prepared for any treatment or remedy. Surprisingly, coconut water is a good treatment for the flu. It deals with nausea, upset stomach and most importantly, dehydration. Influenza, or flu as it is more commonly known, is a virus that triggers the said symptoms. People who are affected with this virus have a terrible experience. Children who get this problem are the most affected ones.

48. Horsetail tea is also an antioxidant rich tea. It has a mild diuretic effect and it increases the activity of the kidneys and bladder. it is also said to promote weight loss.

Avoid eating product stomach relief powder foods that are spicy fatty high in citrus and etc. If you are not sure which foods are affecting you; it is time you did some research to find out. You can easily do this by keeping a record of what you eat throughout the day; after doing this for a week you should know which foods to avoid. Another important thing to remember is to avoid eating large meals. You should instead eat more smaller meals so you will not over eat at one sitting.

Garlic and onion are also a good choice. The juices can be combined and applied to the affected area. Both of these kitchen ingredients have natural anti-bacterial properties.

GERD is a muscular problem. A ring of muscle known as the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) does not function properly in a patient with GERD. Instead of opening to allow food into the stomach and then closing tightly to keep the food and stomach juice where it belongs, the LES relaxes too much. This allows stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus.

Ginger has been used for thousands of years to quell stomach discomfort. Grate a quarter inch chunk of ginger and steep in hot water for 10 minutes. Strain and add some nutmeg and drink. Enjoy a couple ginger snaps with this tea and you`ll be feeling better in no time. This is one of the best home remedies for nausea you`re likely to find.

The antioxidants in honey are helpful read more for reducing stress levels. Just one tablespoon (more if you like) of honey at bedtime can also reduce metabolic stress as a result of reduced liver glycogen levels. When stress hormones aren't released, the body can rest better during the night. Try this natural remedy for relieving your stress, mix one tablespoon of honey and with three tablespoons of warm water, sip it slowly and feel the stress melt away.

Try out these different food combinations and note the ones that leave you feeling sick, lethargic or nauseous. Try also some ginger chews which have been known for centuries to reduce the morning sickness symptoms. Talk also with other moms who are going through the same or have been there before; your doctor can also give you some useful advice.

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